Thursday 3 July 2014


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1.  Briefly describe the different steps involved in a research process. Distinguish between descriptive and causal research studies.

Meaning of research:
Different scholars have interpreted the term ‘research’ in many ways. For instance, Fred Kerlinger (1986) stated that ‘Scientific research is a systematic, controlled and critical investigation of propositions about various phenomena.’ Grinnell (1993) has simplified the debate and stated ‘The word research is

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2.  Distinguish  between  primary  and  secondary  methods  of  data  collection.  Explain  the Interview method of data collection

Difference between  primary  and  secondary  methods  of  data  collection are as follows:

Primary data,as the name suggests, is original, problem- or project-specific and collected for the specific objectives and needs spelt out by the researcher. The accuracy and relevance is reasonably high. The time and money required for this are quite high and sometimes a researcher might not have the

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3  a.  Discuss four types of measurement scales with examples.
b.  Briefly explain the concepts of reliability, validity and sensitivity.

a.  Meaning of Measurement scales and types of Measurement scales with examples:

The term ‘measurement’ means assigning numbers or some other symbols to the characteristics of certain objects. When numbers are used, the researcher must have a rule for assigning a number to an observation in a way that provides an accurate description. We do not measure the object but some characteristics of it. Therefore, in research, people/consumers are not measured; what is measured only are their perceptions, attitude or any other relevant characteristics. There are two reasons for which

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3. b.  Explanation of the concepts of reliability, validity and sensitivity

Reliability : Reliability is concerned with consistency, accuracy and predictability of the scale. It refers to the extent to which a measurement process is free from random errors. The reliability of a scale can be measured using the following methods: Test–retest reliability:In this method, repeated measurements of the same person or group using the same scale under similar conditions are taken. A very high correlation between the two scores indicates that the scale is reliable. The researcher has to be careful

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4.  a.  Distinguish between:
i.  Schedules and Questionnaires
Difference between Schedule and Questionnaire:

Questionnaire is generally sent through mail to informants to be answered as specified in a covering letter, but otherwise without further assistance from the sender.
A schedule is generally filled by the research worker or enumerator, who can interpret the questions when necessary.
Data collection is cheap and economical as the money is spent in preparation of questionnaire and in mailing the same to respondents.
Data collection is more expensive as money is spent on enumerators and in imparting trainings to them. Money is also  spent in preparing schedules.

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Q4.a. ii.   Open ended and closed ended questions

The main difference between a closed-ended question and an open-ended question is the type of response that can be given. With a closed-ended question there are a limited number of choices to choose from when answering, but with an open-ended question the respondent can answer in their

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4. b.  What are the different modes of administering a questionnaire? What are the conditions that merit the use of one over the other? Discuss by using suitable examples.

The Questionnaire Method: The questionnaire is a research technique that consists of a series of questions asked to respondents, in order to obtain statistically useful information about a given topic. It is one of the most cost-effective methods of collecting primary data, which can be used with considerable ease by most individual and business researchers. It has the advantage of flexibility of approach and can be successfully adapted for most research studies. The instrument has been defined

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5  a.  What is the analysis of variance? What are the assumptions of the technique? Give a few examples where the techniques could be used.

Meaning :
The test of hypothesis concerning the equality of two population means using both the Zand t tests. However, if there are more than two populations, the test for the equality of means could be carried out by considering two populations at a time. This would be a very cumbersome procedure. One easy way out could be to use the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) technique. The technique helps in performing this test in one go and, therefore, is considered to be important technique of analysis for the researcher. Through this technique it is possible to draw inferences whether the samples have been drawn from

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5. b.  The following data represents the number of units produced by four operators during three different shifts:

Perform a two-way analysis of variance and interpret the result.
Ans. 5 . b
M1 vs M2 nonsignificant, M1 vs M3 nonsignificant, M1 vs M4 nonsignificant, M2 vs M3 nonsignificant
M2 vs M4 P<.05

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6.  Explain the three basic principles of professional ethics that any research must follow. How  do  you  follow  an  ethical  practice  while  collecting  information  from  the respondents?

Basic principles of professional ethics

Professional creed
•At no stage should the researcher exaggerate or underplay the expense or effort incurred in the conduct of the study. Thus, sometimes the investigator might overclaim the expense incurred in travel or field visit. On the other hand, he might underpay the field investigators that he has kept for data

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SUBJECT CODE & NAME - MB0051-Legal Aspects of Business

1.  What are the rights of a surety?

Rights of a Surety:

Rights against the creditor

In case of fidelity guarantee, the surety can direct  a  creditor to dismiss the employee  whose  honesty  he/she  has  guaranteed,  in  the  event  of  proven dishonesty of the employee. The creditor’s failure to do so will exonerate the  surety from his/her liability.

Rights against the principal debtor

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2.  Explain duties of a Bailor and a Bailee.

Duties of a bailor

•             To  disclose  known  faults  in  goods  (Section  150)  –  The  bailor  is bound  to  disclose  to  the  bailee,  all  faults  in  goods  bailed,  of  which he/she is aware  of. These faults materially interfere with the use of them or expose the bailee to extraordinary risks. If  the bailor  does not make such  disclosure,  he/she  is  responsible  for  the  damage  arising  to  the bailee directly from such faults.

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Duties of a bailee

•             To take care of goods bailed (Section  151)  –  In all cases of bailment, the bailee is bound to take care of the goods bailed to him as a man of ordinary prudence would, under similar circumstances, take

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3.  “Power of Attorney is considered as an important concept in Business Law”. Explain.


Power of attorney is defined by  Section  2(21) of the Stamp Act as including “any  instrument  not  chargeable  with  a  fee  under  the  law  relating  to  court fees for the time being in force,” that empowers “a specified person to act for and in the name of the person executing it”. It is the Powers of Attorney Act, 1882, that deals with the subject but does not define it. In common parlance, a  power  of 

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4.  “The Banking Regulation Act, 1949, provides various methods of regulation of the banking business”. Describe the key areas of regulation.

Regulation of business

The Banking Regulation Act, 1949,  provides various methods of regulation of the banking business. Some of the key areas of regulation are:

•             Power  to  provide  directions  –  Sections  21  and  35A  of  the  Act empower the RBI to regulate the business of banks by issuing directions controlling various aspects of banking.  Section 21 provides the power to regulate  advances  of  banking  companies,  while  Section  35A  provides powers  of 

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5.  Explain the nature and scope of complaints under the Consumer Protection Act?

Nature and scope of complaints under the Consumer Protection Act:

To  provide simple, speedy and inexpensive redressal of consumer grievances, the Act envisages  three-tier  quasi-judicial  machinery  at  the  district,  state  and national levels. At the  district level,  the  redressal forum is called as District Forum.  The State Government may, if it deems fit, establish more than one District  Forum  in  a  district.  At  the  state  level,  there  are  to  be  similar redressal 

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6.  Explain the need and types of meetings.

Need for meetings

A  company  is  an  artificial  person  and  therefore,  must  act  through  some human intermediary. The various provisions of law empower shareholders to do certain things. They are specifically reserved for them to be done in company’s general meetings. Section  291 empowers the  Board of Directors to  manage  the  affairs  of  the  company.  In  this  context ,  meetings  of shareholders  and  directors  become  necessary.  The  Act  has  made provisions  for  following  different  types  of  meetings  of 

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1.  What are the objectives of inventory management? Explain the types of inventory

Explanation of objectives

Some other important objectives of inventory management are as follows:

To gain an upper edge over the competitors:  Managing an appropriate inventory assists organisations to maintain an upper edge over competitors. Adequate inventory provides  an edge to the nearest

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2.  Explain the steps in engineering service process.

The steps required in the engineering of service processes are as follows:

1.  Determine the objective of the service  that would be provided by the  service  operator:  It  is  the  most  important  and  critical  step.  It includes the main goals of an  organisation  that is  related to 

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3.  Explain the various types of demand.

Types of demand
Demand is generally classified based on various factors, such as nature of a product,  usage  of  a  product,  number  of  consumers  of  a  product  and suppliers  of  a  product.  The  demand  for  a  particular  product  would  be different  in  different  situations.  Therefore,  organisations  should  be  clear about the type of demand for their products.  The different types of demand are discussed as follows: 

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4.  Define operations strategy . What are the factors influencing operations strategy? explain the types of operations strategy.

Definition of operations strategy

You  can  define  operations  strategy  as  a  plan  that  details  how  an organisation  utilises  its  resources  to  achieve  the  goals  set  by  the  top management.

According to Slack and Lewis, 2011, “Operations strategy is the total pattern of decisions, which shape the long term capabilities of any type of operation and their contribution to overall strategy, through the

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5.  What is Markov analysis? Give some important applications of Markov analysis.

Explanation of Markov analysis

Markov  analysis  is  a  technique  that  is  used  to  analyse  the  present behaviour  of  a  variable and estimate  its future behaviour.  The  concept  of Markov  analysis  was  introduced  by  Andrei  A.  Markov  in  the  early  1900s. Markov analysis  is also  known as  Markov process or Markov chains.  It is  a process  that  is  characterised  as  memory  less  as  the  next  state  depends upon the current state

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6.  State the factors influencing decision making.

Decisions  are  taken  after  considering  many  factors.  The  factors  that influence the decision making process are as follows:

The  objective  of  decision  making:  It  is  the  basic  and  the  most  crucial factor in  decision  making. If the objective is not well defined or is not well set, then the entire exercise of decision making is a waste.
The data and facts required for making the decision: The data and facts that  are  required  in  the  decision  making  process,  play  a  great  role. Organisations that are process based and rely on data and

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1.   Write short notes on:
a)    Integrated data model
b)   Latest trends in ERP
c)    Order management sub module of sales and distribution module of ERP system
d)   Organisational management sub module of Human resource module of ERP system

(a)   Integrated data model
In  the  context  of  ERP  implementation,  the  creation  of  an  integrated  data model is one of the most critical steps. An ERP system aims at providing access  to  integrated  data  to  all  the  employees  of  an  enterprise.  This integrated data  is used for  business decision making.  Once an ERP system is  implemented in an  enterprise,  the  data  pertaining to a  single department is 

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2.  Write short notes on :
a)    Kanban
b)   ERP vendors
c)    Data Mining
d)   Collaborative CRM

(a)   Kanban
Kanban is  a Japanese term used for ‘visual record'. It is an inventory control system  that  was  developed  at  Toyota  in  the  1950s  by  Taiichi  Ohno. According  to  him,  Kanban  is  a  means  through  which  JIT  is  achieved.  In Toyota, it was used as a technique for managing the flow of materials on the assembly  line.  Over  the  passage  of  time,  Kanban  has  become  a  highly

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3.  What are the benefits and features of ERP purchase module.

Benefits of purchase module

The following are the benefits of the purchase module of an ERP system:

·         Minimises manual operations and paperwork.
·         Helps  in  reducing  inventory  levels  through  efficient  inventory management, thereby

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4.  What are the benefits and features of ERP financial module?

Benefits of ERP Financial Module

Some of the main benefits of the financial module of an ERP system are:
·         Provides  authorised  access  to  financial  data  to  multiple  users  at  the same time.
·         Converts financial values in multiple currencies. 
·         Generates accurate financial statements.
·         Connects different databases through a single source.

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5. What are the important functions of the ERP inventory management module? List any FIVE main reasons for the failure of ERP implementation.

The functions of the ERP inventory management module:

Material  Requisition  Management:  The  inventory  management  module maintains the information related to the inventory requirements, identified by the different departments of an organisation.

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6.  What are the different phases of ERP implementation life cycle?

The different phases of  the  ERP implementation lifecycle are as follows:

1. Pre-evaluation screening

Pre-evaluation  screening  is  the  first  phase  of  the  ERP  implementation lifecycle.  It includes examining all the available ERP systems. Among these systems,  those  that  are  able  to  meet  the  organisation’s  requirements  are selected.

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1.   Write short notes on:
Intermodal transportation
Capacitated plant location model
Bulk shipments
Purchasing strategies

A    Intermodal transportation

It is a combination of at least two or more modes of transportation. For example, a manufacturer using water transport to ship goods from one country to another, and then using the road transport to get the goods to a customer. It is one of the most important modes of transportation as it becomes essential in situations where one mode of transportation is not

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2.  Discuss the steps involved in the measurement of supplier performance.

Following  are  the  seven  steps  that  comprise  a  process  to  develop  and deploy supplier assessment:

1.  Aligning  the goals  and objectives  of  the supplier  performance  with  the organisation’s goals.
2.  Identifying an approach for evaluating the supplier performance.
3.  Developing a method to collect supplier information.

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3.  Write short notes on:
Lead time reduction
Cross docking
Distributor integration

A    Lead time reduction
In supply chain management, we define lead time as the time taken from the moment the buyer places an order to the moment it is received by the buyer. Lead  time  reduction  is  one  of  the  powerful  methods  to  reduce  cost throughout  the  supply  chain.  It  also  helps  to  enhance  the  customer satisfaction.  Increase  in  uncertainty,  increase  in  inventory  costs 

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4.  What are the issues faced in global supply chain?

The following are the different issues in Global Supply Chain Management
·         International versus regional products
·         Local autonomy versus central control
·         Project scale and span of control
·         Technology solutions
·         Cost of technology absorption

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5.  What is standardisation? Explain the four approaches to standardisation?

Standardisation Standardisation is a process of using a standard product in place of a family of products. Standardisation helps to achieve economies of scale by doing an activity once and repeating it many times. Generally, lead time can be shortened by reducing inventory levels and increasing forecast accuracy. However, after a certain stage it cannot be achieved in the same way (stock out issue), but standardisation can be used to further reduce the lead time. There

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6.  Discuss the impacts of e-commerce on SCM.

E-commerce impacts SCM in the following ways:

•          Cost  efficiency  –  E-commerce  facilitates  transportation  companies  of all  sizes  to  exchange  data  over  the  Internet  regarding  the  cargo.  It allows shippers, firms associated with trucking and freight forwarders to update  their  documents  related  to  cash  and  time  investments  that  are necessary for the traditional paper work system.

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1.  List and explain the various phases of production planning and control.

Phases in the Production Planning and Control

Planning phase:  Planning is considered an efficient forecasting tool,  which states how the objectives can be achieved and how a particular requirement can be fulfilled in the future. It has two categories of planning, namely the prior planning and the active planning, which are described as follows:
•          Pre-planning:  This  includes  the  planning  done  prior  to  the  active planning. It

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2.  Explain the various types of layout

Different layouts are as follows:

Process layout: Process layout is also called the functional layout or batch production  layout.  It  involves  grouping  of  similar  machines  in  one department.  For  example,  machines  engaged  in  the  drilling  work  may  be installed in the drilling area, casting machines in the casting area, etc. In this way, there would be a heat treatment department, a painting department, a machining  department  and  so  on,  where  similar  machines  would  be installed  in  the 

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3.  Describe the different strategies of aggregate planning

The  different strategies of aggregate planning are as follows: -

Active strategy
Active  strategy  focuses  on  customer  needs,  and  manages  variations  in demand  accordingly.  In  this  strategy,  the  competitor’s  strategies  are thoroughly examined. Following are the features of active strategy:
·         Manages and controls fluctuations in demand

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4.  Explain the commonly used techniques for work measurement.

Work measurement techniques are as below:
Time study:  It  is  used to determine  the amount of time required to perform a  unit  of  work.  It  entails  observing  and  recording  the  time  required  to perform  each element of an operation  so as  to determine the  reasonable time in which the work should be completed.  Main objectives  of time study are as follows:
·         Identifying the time required by an individual to perform a job
·           Establishing a basis for comparing operational effectiveness
·         Comparing different work methods to select the best one

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5. Discuss the eight dimensions of quality.

The  basic  definition  of  quality  states  that  a  quality  product  meets  the expectations  of  the  customers.  In  order  to  define  quality,  certain  quality dimensions  are  to  be  considered.  David  Garvin,  a  Harvard  professor, performed  a  research  on  quality  issues  and  derived  eight  dimensions  for quality.

The eight dimensions of quality are discussed as follows:

Performance: How well does a product perform with respect to its intended use? Performance becomes a source of confrontation between the customer and the supplier, especially when

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6. What are the steps involved in the purchasing cycle?

Steps involved in the purchasing cycle are explained as follows:

1.  Identifying the  need:  It  refers to the first step of  the  purchasing cycle in which the requirements of materials  are  determined by the purchase department.  These  requirements  are  determined  by  taking  into consideration  the  purchase  requisitions  and  Bill  of  Materials  (BOM), which were discussed in the previous unit.

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